> > If this has changed in 2.2.x, and the kernel flags wrong MAC
> > addr packets before passing them to the IP layer great.
> Both later 2.0 and all 2.2 handle this correctly and do checking in software
> for PROMISC devices. It was a bug.
Ok, I will go for this (nice to know it is fixed now). IIRC
the last time I ran a specific test of this behav was ~ 2.0.28 or so.
> That isnt a catchall however. It is legal to have a single MAC per machine
> with multiple interfaces (eg some Sun systems). This does wonderful
> wonderful things to switches 8)
Hmm, switch, VLAN support, host multihomed across VLANS an
said switch... Now where did we put than MAC routing table again? ;-)
--- As folks might have suspected, not much survives except roaches, and they don't carry large enough packets fast enough... --About the Internet and nuclear war.
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