I installed redhat 6.1 on a brand new HP Pavilion for my dad. (He's going
directly from macintosh to gnome for his work - wow.) Just about
everything has gone flawlessly, and the Pavilion seems like a great,
modern sub-$600 pc with wonderful linux compatability. However, about
every minute, a message appears in the kernel log stating:
VFS: Disk change detected on device ide1(22,0)
I don't get it. I don't know of anything that should cause this. The only
device on ide1 is a cdrom drive which has never been used. Can anyone
sugest how I might disable these messages? I'm running the redhat kernel
becuase everything seems to work fine right now, but if necessary I will
compile a clean "linus" kernel.
Motherboard chipset is Intel i810, more info available upon request.
And sorry for the distribution-specific aspect of this question, but I
doubt that redhat's modifications to the kernel cause this.
On a related note, my router has also been generating huge numbers of log
messages which look like this, maybe 1 every minute or more:
Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=17
L=328 S=0x00 I=63060 F=0x4000 T=252 (#7)
These appear to be bootp broadcasts or something coming from a server at
my ISP. What can I do to stop it from being logged? This only happened
after I upgraded my distribution (debian) and rebooted, without upgrading
the kernel. I'm not certain whether my kernel has verbose IP logging
enabled but I can compile a new kernel to test this... kernel rev. is
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