> Great! While you're at it, you might also want have dump check the
> filesystem feature flags (look at e2fsck to see how it does it), so that
> dump won't try to touch a filesystem that it might not be prepared to
> deal with.
Will look at that.
> If you want to make dump use more of the ext2 library's features, that's
> probably a good thing. I would very strongly encourage you to keep the
> on-tape format compatible with the BSD dump program, however. Being
> able to exchange dump tape between BSD and Linux can be a very handy
> feature from time to time.
Ok, just needed to have a confirmation. Of course I will keep the
compatibility with the BSD format. But since there are several unused
bytes in the dump structure, I might use them to store some specific
filesystem (or inode) information (I think of acl etc.). Old linux restore
programs (or the BSD ones) will only see the 'generic' unix filesystem/inode
information, but newer restores could be able to use the specific information.
-- /\ / \ Stelian Pop / DS \ Email: pop@cybercable.fr \____/
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