Re: 3C509 locks up consistantly

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
21 Nov 1999 20:03:38 +0100

In article <>,
Yoink! <> wrote:
>I have a Red Hat linux 6.0 box (Celeron 433Mhz, not overclocked!, with
>196M RAM and a IBM 6.4G IDE, on a Abit ZM6) on a remote network. Every 5
>or so days, it used to lose eth0 (3c509) and no packets would come in or
>out, despite the fact that the box was still up. Rebooting fixes the
>problem, Rebooting every 3 or so days kept the problem from occuring at

FWIW, I have the same problem on our news server (averages 9 Mbit/sec
in and 20 Mbit/sec out), with both eepro100 and epic100 cards.
It now locks up every 2 hours. A script run by cron every two minutes
detects this, shuts down the network, removes the driver module, reloads
it, re-initializes the network and it's up again. The weird thing
is that after a reboot, it runs for a day or so without problems, and
then it starts locking more and more often up to like twelve times a day ..


First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

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