> On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 10:28:29AM -0700, Tony Fica wrote:
> > with a 3com 3c905 it appears to be working just fine, however syslog is
> > filled with these:
> >
> > eth0: Transmit error, Tx status register 82.
> >
> > hunderds of them all the same message... Any suggestions on what is going
> > on?
> I found this info at http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/vortex.html
> 0x82 Out of window collision. This typically occurs when some other Ethernet
> host is incorrectly set to full duplex on a half duplex network.
We have had this problem a lot overhere, it is indeed an incorrect speed
or full/half duplex mode.
It perticularly happened in combination with Cisco Catalist switches, we
solved it by compiling the driver into the kernel in stead of using a
modular version, in combination with telling the Cisco's expicitely to use
100 Mbit full duplex and adding spanning-tree portfast to the port config.
Homme R. Bitter *NIX admin, BOFH, MCSE, parttime divine entity.
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