-- On 18.11.99 08:59 -0500 Mark Hahn <hahn@coffee.psychology.mcmaster.ca>
>> > check /var/lib/nfs/xtab, too. I've had to expunge that file many times
>> > when knfsd is too retentive about conflicting mounts in the distant
>> > past.
>> I checked the xtab and it shows the correct data but I still get
>> "permission denied". :-(
> you completely shut down all nfs processes, then fiddled with
> /etc/exports and xtab, then started nfs up again? if so,
> then I suspect the problem is that the client's IP isn't getting
> recognized by nfs. does /var/log/messages (on the server) say anything?
Yes, I shut down all the NFS processes (switched to single user mode)
before I modified the files but it didnt help anything. I can not get this
directory exportet. I keep getting "permission denied". :-(
And yes, I get something in the messages logfile, but nothing about a wrong
IP address. I get this:
authenticated mount request from <client>:port for /usr/local (/usr/local)
getfh failed: Operation not permitted
So it seems to me that the host is recognized properly but something else
fails. :-(
Any ideas what could be wrong?
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