Trying to use it on rh5.1; it won't compile, gives the following:
gcc -L../../support/lib -o mountd mountd.o mount_dispatch.o auth.o
rmtab.o -lexport -lnfs
../../support/lib/libexport.a(mount_xdr.o): In function `xdr_ppathcnf':
undefined reference to `IXDR_PUT_INT32'
undefined reference to `IXDR_GET_INT32'
make[2]: *** [mountd] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
I checked; IXDR_GET_INT32 and IXDR_PUT_INT32 are not defined in
The version of glibc is:
[root nfs-utils-0.1.3]# rpm -qf /usr/include/rpc/xdr.h
I got it to compile by transplanting the following lines into
#define IXDR_GET_INT32(buf)
#define IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, v) (*(buf)++ =
#define IXDR_GET_U_INT32(buf) ((u_int32_t)IXDR_GET_INT32(buf))
#define IXDR_PUT_U_INT32(buf, v) IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, (int32_t)(v))
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