Re: AMD Athlon flags and /proc/cpuinfo

Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:56:31 +0100

> I noticed several Athlon flags were missing from /proc/cpuinfo,
> especially mmx_ext and 3dnow_ext. I looked them up in the AMD
> documentation. This is the resulting patch:

You forgot one bit though, bit 16 is "pat" on Athlon (just like
on PPro+), not "fcmov". Add an

if (c->x86 < 6) x86_cap_flags[16] = "fcmov";
else x86_cap_flags[16] = "pat";

to your patch. Or to simplify things, change the common
flag name table in setup.c.

Zoltan Boszormenyi

Microsoft: It's where you don't want to go today.

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