Incidentally, 2.3.28 segmentation-faults and resets if one tries to mount
a SCSI disk (Toshiba XM-4101TA) while the drive is spinning up on an
AIC-7xxx (294x UW). 2.2 doesn't do this... haven't tried 2.3.29 yet.
Oh, BTC 24X cdroms seem to go to sleep after a while... Linux has a -cow-
talking to them until they wake up completely (timeouts on device)... Is
it possible this cdrom needs a wakeup or keepawake call? (not sure, I've
-avoided- looking at the IDE cdrom driver code :)
G'day, eh? :) (and thanks for any and all answers 'xcept spam :)
- Teunis
PS: Anyone know why FIC PA-2007 boards just suddenly die without reason
after about a year or so? Lost one a bit ago and first to go was IDE
controller, nuking just about all my IDE hardware...
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