Re: Strange problem in my structs

Tom M. Kroeger (
03 Dec 1999 20:03:32 -0800

Mark Hahn <> writes:
> > I did a lilo to update things and rebooted. Is there another kernel
> > file I'm forgetting?
> no, but there are a couple other possibilities: you could be compiling
> with instructions that your processor doesn't do (P6 options for K6,
> for instance). and there are some issues with kernel size and memory
> required to decompress it. but the real question is why you're messing
> with the dead/heritage kernel line? 2.3 is where the action is.

My apologies -- the kernel I'm dealing with is 2.2.12. I'm
doing the builds on a P II and the test machine is a PPro.

I've got the config set for PPro/6x86mx so my compile command lines
look like this:

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/home/tmk/kernels/epcm/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -g -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=686 -c -o prefetch.o prefetch.c

I have declared a global variable

Predictions preds[MAX_PARTITIONS]; /* MAX_PARTITIONS = 255 */

could this be the source of my trouble?




----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom M. Kroeger Pray for wind Graduate Student, UC Santa Cruz \ Pray for waves e-mail: |\ and Pray it's your day off! |~\ (831) 459-4458 |__\ (831) 426-9055 home ,----+--

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