On 1999-12-05T16:40:19,
"Kendall Bennett" <KendallB@scitechsoft.com> said:
> I am however not sure it is worth continuing to argue this anymore,
> because I don't think anyone developing for the Linux kernel really
> understand these issues.
Geee, stupid Alan, Dave, Linus, Stephen, Ingo etc. Everyone must be stupid
except you!
> At the end of the day, maybe one day I will end up doing this, and
> the result may well be a fork of the Linux kernel (since there are a
> lot of people who do agree with what I have to say).
Please, go ahead.
Implement your changes, bugfix them. If we see the code, and how it indeed is
better than the current approach and that we have all been wrong assuming it
would be a performance hit and generally a nightmare to maintain, we can merge
it back to the mainstream kernel or even switch over to your kernel, since it
is WAY superior to ours!
This is a perfectly viable approach in the Open Source community - isn't it
I suggest you start with creating a special mailing list to discuss this with
your followers. I would be very happy if the last I hear about this project
before it is finished was a short announcement for your new forum.
This is your chance for fame, man! Benettx _now_!
Sincerely yours,
PS: Might I suggest "Benetton" as a potential sponsor. I hear they have
experience with tasteless ad campaigns. You would only need to slightly
change your name to "Kendall Benetton" - surely not too much to ask for
improved commercial support!
-- Lars Marowsky-Br�e http://lars.maro \ geek, B.FH, psychopath, magician, / lars@marowsky-bree.de wsky-bree.de/ \ killer, looney, genius, pervert / pgp-key-id: 0x09e360c5 / ff 2a 82 e8 6b 85 79 23 9c da b5 81 d4 fc 29 e6- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/