>This allows me to see the irqdis_nobh in my ktrace, however, I never
>do see it. [..]
That's fine because you must not see it. If you see it it means it should
BUG() or you won't be able to achieve the best latency.
>The following ktrace shows the timer_bh is still not being run
>when it should. Any ideas?
>22161.62 5.79 timer_interrupt pid(220)
>22167.41 0.82 do_timer pid(220)
>22168.23 0.80 enable_8259A_irq pid(220)
>22169.04 0.14 do_IRQ pid(220)
>22169.17 0.16 do_bottom_half pid(220)
>22169.33 1.81 do_IRQ pid(220)
>22171.14 0.44 del_timer pid(220)
>22171.58 0.18 __kfree_skb pid(220)
>22171.76 0.26 sock_rfree pid(220)
>22172.03 0.16 kfree_skbmem pid(220)
>22172.19 0.44 kfree pid(220)
>22172.64 1.01 kmem_cache_free pid(220)
>22173.65 2243.54 do_IRQ pid(220)
>24417.19 0.44 system_call pid(220)
>24417.63 0.46 sys_sigsuspend pid(220)
>24418.09 0.66 schedule pid(220)
>24418.75 0.53 do_bottom_half pid(220)
>24419.27 0.77 timer_bh pid(220)
Could you provide also a plain `ktrace -m System.map -s ???`? The hex
addresses (not only the resolved symbols) and CPU information are very
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