patch-modutils-2.3.8.gz Patch from 2.3.7 to 2.3.8.
modutils-2.3.8-1.i386.rpm Compiled against glibc 2.1
You can also copy all files in this directory by rsync,
rsync -azH --safe-links --delete local-directory
If you are currently mirroring modutils and/or ksymoops via ftp, rsync
is faster.
Brief changelog.
More flexible recognition of the way the utility was called.
Add option to strip binaries during install.
Rework --enable-combined configure options.
Change --enable-combined-sparc to --enable-common-sparc.
Reduce ambiguity when an alias and a module have the same name[1].
Rework common sparc code.
[1] This fixes the bug where
alias sound sb
options sb io=0x300
would apply the io parm to the sound module and fail. Using the same
name for a real module and an alias is not generally recommended, but
we are stuck with it for backwards compatibility on sound.
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