On Sat, Dec 11, 1999 at 09:07:05PM +0000, Alex Buell wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, Marius Aamodt Eriksen wrote:
> > I've had a problem with my system, it goes like this: When I boot the
> > system with my full amount of RAM (128 MB), it always crashes (at one
> > point of another), a complete freezeup rather. It complaints about
> > "Ther kernel is not able to handle null pointer at virtual address..." =
> > Sometimes, even MagicSysrq fails to save my day with this error. =20
> > However, if I boot with 64MB RAM (linux mem=3D64M) the system works
> > perfectly. First I thought it might have been some bad RAM, but
> > somehow I doubt that would lock up the whole system, it just seems
> > unlikely, especially with thought to how Linux is designed.
> Download memtest from http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/memtester/
> And make sure the memory *really* isn't bad.
> It saved my arse a few weeks ago from an expensive motherboard
> replacement.
> Cheers,=20
> Alex=20
> --=20
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> http://www.tahallah.demon.co.uk - updated!
Hrm, how can I run memtest when I can't even allocate all the RAM without c=
rashing, surely memtest can't allocate all 128 MB of it when it's not avail=
able from the kernel (hence malloc() won't do)...
But that really isn't the issue, because I _don't_ think (IMHO) that a litt=
le bad RAM will cause a kernel panic such as this.
Marius Aamodt Eriksen
linux.com - tuneup section ( http://tune.linux.com/ )
: marius@linux.com
: mae@online.no
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