>I don't consider my softbooter ready for the public, yet.
>I can give you a version however right now I'm working on
>it so it is a total mess.
Actually, I am a litle unclear on what exactly your
softbooter does, but I think I have found a solution.
It turns out that Nalin Dahyabnai has written a program called
ddcprobe that does exactly what I want from the VESA BIOS extension
standpoint. (Anaconda uses ddcprobe.) ddcprobe uses the lrmi library
that you mentioned to talk to the VESA video BIOS to do DDC, and one
of the programs in the ddcprobe package actually writes its output in
a format that can be dropped straight into an XF86Config file. You
can get Nalin's latest ddcprobe package from
If you install the ddcxinfo program in root's execution path, then you
can use an updated version of my pciconf package to automatically
generate an XF86Config file at boot time. There is an example rc.pnp
file in the pciconf source distribution, which is avaiable at
I am typing this message on a display that was automatically
configured at boot time with pciconf and ddcprobe!
>You're welcome. Feel free to use my code.
>What is missing however is a parser for EDID2.
EDID2? Do you mean the EDID that is part of DDC 2, or is this
yet another format of monitor timing information?
Adam J. Richter __ ______________ 4880 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 104 \ / San Jose, California 95129-1034
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