Re: Bash Issues
Khimenko Victor (
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 02:05:01 +0300 (MSK)
In <> Bob Lorenzini ( wrote:
> Again, the point that is missed is that for all you "unix hacker guru
> types" having to do "set meta-on" an such in a /.inputrc file may not be
> a big deal, but end user customers are lazy and don't want to do a weeks
> worth of research just to get their displays to look like what they are
> used to with NetWare, DOS, NT, Windows 95/98, etc. I know you guys
> think I'm anal here or something, but I am trying to make this easy for
> our folks who will buy a Caldera or RedHat commercial Linux and the
> stuff just works without the user needing to do all this extra stuff to
> get what they can get "free and easy" from Microsoft and Novell (like
> simple text graphics support for utilities).
> Jeff
> Have you ever been on a clients winblows machine and had to telnet to a
> unix box and run a job with ansi graphics and the only telnet tool available
> was the msdosbox? Obviously not.
Oh. Really. I forgot about this :-(( DOS's NCSA telnet it 7bit terminal !
I had to patch it when I needed russian letters :-/
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