AV> On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Khimenko Victor wrote:
>> > pseudo-graphics. And believe me, lots of DOS programs were butt-ugly on
>> > (e.g.) Cyrillic charsets.
>> No, they are not. Mostly. DOS world are using cp866 where all graphs are in
AV> Victor, meet Pravetz. Pravetz, meet Victor. Victor, look into the guts of
AV> the FPOS. See something that resembles CGA. Yup, no friggin' way to change
AV> the font. Yup, it clashes with pseudo-graphics. Now, for the next member
AV> of panopticum: ES-1841. Aaarggh...
I've seen that beasts :-) They are history now for long time. DOS is not
history yet (look for headers of my mails for proof :-)
AV> Moral: there was a reason why Alt got its name.
Yes, there was "official" encoding (GOST one). Noone used it anyway.
AV> The whole situation with encodings was a mess - I can recall 4 from the
AV> top of my head and that's before the cp12<something>.
There was tens of them. Three are still alive (cp866, koi8-r, windows-1251).
AV> OTOH it might be much worse - trust me, you don't want to know how the
AV> hybrid between RADIX-50 and cyrillic looked like...
Oh, yeah :-)
AV> Now, what I would like to know is the name of person who keeps insisting
AV> that iso8859-5 is One True Way(tm). May he implement the full OSI stack
AV> and be forced to use it.
No, glibc is not insisting that iso8859-5 is One True Way(tm) anymore. Just
locale "ru_RU" using it (and locale "russian" is alias for "ru_RU"). You can
use "ru_RU.koi8-r" just fine. It's just innocent russian users who tried to use
"russian" locale and got weird result who are affected (they will get mesagges
just fine since [almost] ALL software is russified via koi8-r; including mc,
GNOME and other FSF's goodies -- just glibc prefer iso8859-5 and so when you
are trying to use "russian" locale you'll get correct russian messages but
garbage instead of Months names and such)...
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