UDP packet logging

Jens Benecke (jens@pinguin.conetix.de)
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 18:17:40 +0100


I have to know when a specific computer goes online. Unfortunately, sending
a mail is not quick enough (takes >10min, due to firewall restrictions),
and so cannot be used.

As far as I understand, I can make the computer e.g. send a specific UDP
packet to my computer (which would surpass firewalls and such) and make my
computer beep or something if it recognizes the packet. This should be fast
enough... I don't have any idea where to start programming this in C,

Could you point me to the respective manual pages or has anyone been doing
this sort of thing already?

_ciao, Jens_______________________________ http://www.pinguin.conetix.de
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