Re: [PATCH] asm*/resource.h fix for glibc
Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 01:17:01 +0100
According to Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH:
> In message <83bn5f$923$>, Miquel van Smoorenburg
> writes
> :
> +-----
> | If glibc-devel has /usr/include/linux -> /usr/src/linux-2.2.5-20/include/linux
> | is there any reason not to put the 2.2.5-20 kernel headers directly
> | into /usr/include instead of via a symlink ?
> +--->8
> Because some of us upgrade our kernels without going through the whole RPM
> rigmarole and would prefer to be able to change one or two symlinks instead
> of copying all the headers?
But you don't NEED to upgrade the kernel headers in /usr/include if
you upgrade the kernel. In fact that was the entire point of Linus'
posting. And mine. Sigh
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