> > Umh... I'd really, really like them in, I am probably going to hit 64K
> > users sometime next year. It would be a shame to change OS for that or
> Nod.
> > rebuilding half a linux dist with a patched kernel and glibc.
> > AFAIK most patches are already done and the 2.4 kernels would be a good
> > reason to rebuild a dist completely ( RedHat 7 ? Debian 3 ? )
> > so if this isn't it, it 'll probably have to wait until 2.6 or something..
> You dont need to rebuild the distribution. Glibc apps think uids are 32bit
> already. This is part of the great reason for splitting kernel and user headers.
> You swap glibc and kernel the rest should fly nicely except maybe a few minor
> sys5 shm glitches
Still something of a pain if the kernel side doesn't get the testing
and updating that it would if it was in the main (Linus's) kernel. Admittedly,
mostly I'm looking for it to be kept up to date, but testing is always nice
as well. Personally, and I don't mean to step on many toes here, but I'd really
rather not see 32-bit UIDs in the kernel end up the way the RAID stuff did w/
regard to 2.2....
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