> Hello,
> I am using a Laptop with RedHat-6.1. It is connected via a pcmcia
> ethernet card (10 MBit) to a Unix network. My wish is to export a
> directory of the Laptop to a SUN server. The SUN server uses
> Solaris-2.5.1.
> I tried two configurations and got the following results:
> 1. Using knfsd-1.4.7-7
> ----------------------
> When transfering a file of 5M bytes from Solaris towards Linux I got a
> very low bandwidth of less than 4k bytes (k not M!). Some pairs of error
> messages "NFS server not responding..." and "NFS server OK" appear in
> the windows on the Solaris machine until the transfer is finished. I put
> the corresponding /var/log/messages of the Linux box to the end of this
> mail ("messages.knfsd").
Oh my... We can't simply release another v2.2.xx kernel with disfunctional
NFS/KNFSD. Nobody in their right mind doing Linux<->Not-Linux NFS
have any particular trust in Linux NFS any longer, and if we continue
releasing broken NFS, people will shy away to *BSD or even commercial
Unices. If I knew anything about NFS-programming, I'd help, but sadly
enough, I don't, and I just haven't got the time right now to study the
NFS spec's.
But I just don't see a v2.2.14 with non-working KNFSD as worth releasing,
considering that fixed NFS/KNFSD was one of the major things that #14 would
It bad enough that Linux NFSv2 write performance is so f**king bad, but if
it's getting a read-performance of 4k, then... Bugger!
/David Weinehall
_ _
// David Weinehall <tao@acc.umu.se> /> Northern lights wander \\
// Project MCA Linux hacker // Dance across the winter sky //
\> http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/ </ Full colour fire </
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