> On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Harold Oga wrote:
> > One thing I noticed on my BP6 system with dual 400's was that with a 250W
> > power supply I would get lots of APIC errors even at 66MHz and my I/O voltage
> > would fluctuate as much as 15%. Once I replaced it with a 300W power supply,
> > the voltage smoothed out, and I noticed that I rarely, if ever get APIC errors
> > at 66MHz anymore. Another thing to consider anyways.
> I am now hearing similar things with respect to power supply issues. Is
> it possible that the larger power supply is providing cleaner power which
> is improving the situation. While I have not checked the actual power
> usage requirements of the BP6 with it running two CPUs at 100MHz FSB, I
> have a difficult time believing that (A) the combination needs more than a
> 250W power supply in the average machine, and (B) an increase of a mere
> 50W improves the situation.
> Unfortunately, I am not an expert on motherboard design, nor on SMP in
> general. I do not have the facilities to test or confirm any of these
> findings. I have left that to others, but it appears they're a rare
> breed. It sure would be nice if ABit could do something to help us out
> and answer some questions.
> All I know is that I started to worry when I first noticed these APIC
> error messages in the log in 2.3.18 (or thereabouts).
> Mike.
It has been my experience that sometimes power supplies will be
an issue with motherboard stability, be them single cpu or smp... It is entirely
possible that the 300W power supply does stabilize the power output to the
motherboard, especially if the BP6 pulls a higher than normal load....
Rob Hall
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