Re: [LINUX-ABIT] Myth or Real?
Ted Sikora (
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 11:03:16 -0500
Chris Chiappa wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 18, 1999 at 09:10:27PM -0500, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> > I would like to think this is the case, but I am not convinced. I have
> > run across a few posts where the BP6 was stable for long periods of time
> > with high loads. One that comes to mind was from someone running only
> > SCSI drives and IIRC 2 SETIs for quite some time. This would seem to
> My system is 100% SCSI and is flaky with 2 SETIs.
> > My theory of the day as to what make this so hard to nail down is that
> > there is more than one issue. I think the BX overheating is definitely
> > one. Maybe power supply.
> Don't think so. I have the thermal grease applied to the BX chipset and a
> case with very good cooling (Inwin, but with a PC Power & Cooling
> "UltraCool" or something like that power supply).
I sent a message to ABit technical-support and engineering both here and
in Taiwan. As soon as I hear something I will post it. Hopefully we can
put an end to these errors for good.
Ted Sikora
Jtl Development Group
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