On Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 12:53:55AM -0500, Paul wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
> @>
> @>On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 05:49:46PM -0800, H. Peter Anvin wrote:
> @>> Followup to: <Pine.LNX.4.21.9912152237530.27086-100000@ferret.lmh.ox=
> @>> By author: Matthew Kirkwood <weejock@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>
> @>> In newsgroup: linux.dev.kernel
> @>> >=20
> @>> > Under Linux, the PSN is just disabled. It's not a useful feature,
> @>> > nor is it useful information, so it is turned off a boot time, not
> @>> > to be reenabled.
> @>> >=20
> @>>=20
> @>> I disagree with this sentiment: there are applications for which this
> @>> is a desirable feature. It would be better if this was a kernel
> @>> command-line option, even if the default would be off.
> @>>=20
> @>
> @>Why don't we just leave it disabled in the regular kernel, and force us=
> @>to hack up the source themselves to keep the PSN enabled. That way, a
> @>network admin can use his own custom kernel on his machines (eg. for
> @>identifying machines with no ethernet), but software vendors can't force
> @>the PSN upon us because it's not supported on most dummies' computers.=
> @>
> @>Or enable it and only use free software, but that's a whole different i=
> @>
> Having it disabled by default makes sense. Trying to enforce it always
> being disabled, despite the fact that some people might want it enabled, =
> just arrogantly enforcing a political agenda. Its also the same condescen=
> attitude that might be reflected in saying something fascist like maybe
> we not allow people to change mac's or put their card into promiscuous
> mode unless they apply the 'illuminati patch' and recompile. Keep them
> lusers from snooping and spoofing, and hey, the 'dummies' wont even notic=
> Its not a correctness issue, its a control issue.
> There are definite privicy problems facing us today, but seeking to
> unilaterally squelch a virtually costless simple freedom of choice is
> an example of the ends not justifying the means.
> Having said all that, I think the whole argument is somewhat moot, as
> if there is demand, the option to enable will come about, either through
> a kernel option or maybe a module using what the germans(?) claim can
> get it even if disabled, or whatever.
> I support a config option, or a kernel command line param to enable PSN,
> hell, maybe something in /proc or a sysctl, (the defaults of which are al=
l off)
> just on principle:)
> Paul
> ps. I dont have anything with a PSN, and while I would like to know the
> number for an asset tag, cant think of a real good reason for having
> this 'feature' enabled... I just dont like anyone telling me I shouldnt h=
> a choice.
It has nothing to do with whether or not we want the end user to be able
to use the PSN, it's about the ability of vendors to force users thta
don't want to to use the PSN.
I suggest the default be that the PSN be simply disabled at startup. A
kernel parameter (optionally compiled into the kernel) could change this
so that the PSN is read before it is disabled. The PSN could then be
stored in a /proc variable (and also read through a (perhaps privileged)=20
sysctl command). This variable could be modified (ala /proc/sys/*) if the
user wishes (whether or not they actually have a PIII). The PSN would
then become no more infringent on privacy than a variable MAC adddress.=20
By marginalising the PSN, it can become a useful feature without allowing
vendors to force it upon the users.=20
-- "I already have all the latest software."=20 -- Laura Winslow, "Family Matters"Dwayne C. Litzenberger - dlitz@cheerful.com
Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
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