I accept that raising the clock speed can possibly produce errors, but the
actual cause my be a secondary effect - such as: degraded timing tolerances
due to the chips being subjected to temperatures beyond their designed
operating point.
There are several things which need to be cooled: video card, memory, BX
chip, processors, PSU.
I use a bulk standard (Maplin - sort of like TANDY) 250W PSU, two 366's
O/C'd to 550MHz, a 40x IDE CD drive, two 2GB scsi drives, one 8.4GB UDMA IDE
drive, floppy, Voodoo banshee AGP, ancient ISA soundblaster 16, 3Com 3C509B
ISA, and... a good heatsink and fan on the banshee, a good heatsink and fan
on the BX, good heatsinks and fans on the processors, a 80mm fan pulling in
at the front, a 80mm fan feeding the processor and BX fans via a plenum from
the side.
I don't think it's the PSU, unless, of course, it's broken.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Frisch <mfrisch@saturn.tlug.org>
To: <tsikora@powerusersbbs.com>
Cc: <linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu>
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Dual Celery on BP6]
> On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Ted Sikora wrote:
> > The errors are definitely produced by overclocking! I stepped the cpu
> > down to 78Mhz and all errors disappeared. The new 100Mhz Celerons also
> > ran fine
> > but anything over 100Mhz the errors appeared as I anticipated.
> Out of curiousity, are you using extra cooling on the AGPset? If not, is
> it possible that the heatsink on this chip is simply too small and that
> heat is, in fact, the problem?
> ======================================================================
> Mike Frisch Email: mfrisch@saturn.tlug.org
> Northstar Technologies WWW: http://saturn.tlug.org/~mfrisch
> Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
> ======================================================================
> -
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