Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
From: James Mulcahy <>
> Sorry if this is the wrong place, though I don't think it is...
Close enough ( would have been closer ...)
> I've got a TMC 15VGF motherboard with a VIA chipset. (apm: BIOS version
> 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.9))
Thanks, anther one to note down :-)
> I'm using a 2.2.13 kernel, compiled with the poweroff on shutdown option.
> But when I execute halt -p (or poweroff) the kernel panics at the point
> where I expect it to powerdown. I copied the oops message by hand and
> then re-typed it once I had rebooted. I've included the ksymoops output,
> but I'm not sure where to go from here, is this a known problem, should I
> be able to find the problem using the ksymoops output ?
It is a know problem with several recent BIOS's (unfortunately). You need
to get the patch off the APM home page (
and recompile your kernel after enabling the "Real mode power off"
configuration option.
> ps. My processor is a MAD k6-2 400, and I'm fairly sure the apm code in
> the bios isn't faulty, because the machine switches itself off when it
> gets shutdown from windows...
Your BIOS is buggy. Windows returns to real mode before calling
the APM BIOS power off routine. Linux normally does not (and should
not need to). Complain to your MB manfacturer (first see if there is
an updated BIOS on their web site). We have managed to get this fixed
in some BIOS's.
> -- The oops message --
> general protection fault: f000
This is the give away ... the BIOS is trying to access a real mode
segment while we are still in protected mode.
> CPU: 0
> EIP: 0050:[<0000885>]
This means the BIOS is executing ...
Stephen Rothwell Linux APM maintiner
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