Re: 2.4 test10 error reading from HP colorado 7/14 Gb tape

From: Eckhard Jokisch (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 07:50:34 EST

> # tar -tvf /dev/ht0
> ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 8, key = 5, asc = 2c, ascq = 0
> A search on shows that I am not the only one to have
> experienced this and that it did not occur with previous versions of
> ide-tape.c. The same error occurs with a non-modular kernel build.
I experience the same with OnStream DI30 - but these errors occure in 2.2.17 as
well. In my oppinion they show up in fewer cases with 2.4-test10.
The error is not quite"stable" because it occures on different tape positions
(filenames) when I retension the tape three aor four times befor writing to it.

I checked the tapes on a Windows machine and they seem to be o.k..

Eckhard Jokisch
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