Re: 2.6.0-t11: keyboard problems revisited

From: Loic Bernable
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 06:53:15 EST

In his previous email, Jurgen Kramer explained :
> While booting 2.6.0-t11 into textmode I found out there are still some
> problems with the keyboard code.
> On my PC with USB keyboard (Logitech iTouch) I can't use the "\" key
> properly so I can't type "ps -ef | grep blabla" which is not very
> helpful is you want to try to investigate problems.
> So there seems to be some kind of anti-pipe conspiracy here...;-)

This problem is not specifically related to the Logitech one. There are
several cases related to this bug (ie for instance )

Your | key should be the same as the "*" key on french keyboards.

I submitted a bug report dealing with the details of this problem, but
still no answer yet.

The patch provided by Tonnerre Anklin should work (I wouldn't have
changed the two values, just 84 -> 43) but it may break some other
keyboards. This is one question asked in the bug report.

And the other is : why did it work with 2.4.x kernels ?

Thank you to Cc me for any answer ...

### Loïc Bernable aka Leto -- leto(à)vilya,org -- Parinux, April, LinuxFR ###
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