Re: RT patch acceptance

From: Tim Bird
Date: Wed May 25 2005 - 14:27:31 EST

Sven Dietrich wrote:
>>Bill Huey (hui) wrote:
>>>I think there's a lot of general ignorance regarding this
>>patch, the
>>>usefulness of it and this thread is partially addressing them.
>>Forgive the dumb question:
>>Why isn't anyone doing a presentation about Ingo's patch at
>>the OLS this year?
>>If you want to get this thing in front of peoples' eyes, this
>>would probably be the best venue. It would certainly be a
>>good place to get people talking about it. Explaining what's
>>in the patch, how it came to be, what are the
>>interdependencies, modifications to existing code, added core
>>files, pros/cons, performance, actual demo, etc.
>>Currently, looking at the listed presentations, apart from
>>finding myself thinking "hm..., I swear that guy did the same
>>presentation last year ... and maybe the year before", I
>>can't see any entry alluding to rt-preempt ... maybe I missed it?
> I think its too late to add a presentation there now,
> but if folks are interested, I would be willing to talk about
> it all day long.

I'm intensely interested in this. Tell me where you'll be
talking (even if it's on the sidewalk outside) and I'll be

Tim Bird
Architecture Group Chair, CE Linux Forum
Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Electronics
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