Re: [PATCH] can: fix loss of frames due to wrong assumption in raw_rcv

From: Oliver Hartkopp
Date: Mon Jun 22 2015 - 06:25:09 EST

Hello Manfred,

On 22.06.2015 11:48, Manfred Schlaegl wrote:

Can you tell me the output of /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_tstamp_prequeue on
your machine?

/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_tstamp_prequeue is set to 1 (unmodified, default)

I tried to dig a little deeper in timestamping:
1. (net/core/dev.c) I found that static_key_false(&netstamp_needed) is always 0, resulting that the timestamp is never set by net_timestamp_check in netif_receive_skb_internal.
2. (net/core/dev.c) static_key_false(&netstamp_needed) is 0 because net_enable_timestamp is never called.
3. (net/core/sock.c) net_enable_timestamp is never called because SK_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP is not set
4. (net/core/sock.c) SK_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP is not set because neither of SOCK_TIMESTAMP or SOCK_TIMESTAMPING_RX_SOFTWARE is set
5. (net/core/sock.c) SOCK_TIMESTAMP or SOCK_TIMESTAMPING_RX_SOFTWARE is not set because timestamping is an optional feature (according to not enabled in my use case (even if netdev_tstamp_prequeue is set to 1)

So the original assumption for the was correct: The correctness of the skb equality check depends on a feature that is not enabled by default (respectively user configurable).
Do you agree with this?


But the point becomes an issue when there's no userspace application that requires timestamps.

I did my testing wile having at least one "candump" instances running, which enables timestamping. So when there's no one requesting timestamps the check in can_rcv does not perform properly.

Therefor my patch grabs your idea to set the timestamps for CAN skbs unconditionally. But there were some more places in the code where we need to take care about that.


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