Re: [PATCH] ARC: build: Turn off -Wmaybe-uninitialized for ARC gcc 4.8

From: Arnd Bergmann
Date: Fri Mar 18 2016 - 06:30:50 EST

On Friday 18 March 2016 15:50:11 Vineet Gupta wrote:
> Sure, but I prefer this to be only for gcc 4.8 as this warning seems to be
> healthy in small doses At least it keeps the door open for future discussion
> with gcc guys !

FWIW, testing on ARM with gcc-6.0 -O3, I also get tons of maybe-uninitialized
warnings. It's unlikely that this is architecture specific or fixed in newer
compiler versions.

> The following nested construct actually works - does that look OK to you ?
> ARCH_CFLAGS += -O3 $(call cc-ifversion, -lt, 0408, $(call cc-disable-warning,maybe-uninitialized,))

Yes, that seems ok.

I don't really understand why -O3 is needed though, maybe it's better to
assume that it won't be needed in future gcc versions and do

ARCH_CFLAGS += $(call cc-ifversion, -lt, 0408, -O3 $(call cc-disable-warning,maybe-uninitialized,))
