1.2.11 troubles on Intel Premiere/PCI II ?

Gerhard Schneider (root@ilfb03.tuwien.ac.at)
Wed, 5 Jul 1995 09:01:12 +0200 (MDT)

Kernel: 1.2.8 and 1.2.11
Distribution: Slackware 2.3
gcc: 2.6.3 (a.out)

Hardware: Pentium P90 Premiere/PCI II motherboard (BIOS 1.0.10 up to 1.0.13)
NCR 53c815 SCSI (3.0.6)
SMC EtherPower PCI (SMC 8432BT, Tulip)

For 1.2.8 the board works well with the above hardware and software
(old and new tulip driver).

For 1.2.11 there is no bootup problem, no kernel panic, no anything, only
gcc and various other programs are dying w/ signal 11 while starting.
It's not the typical one of signal 11 while compiling the kernel (motherboard,
memory, cache) - it's while starting. I'm confused.

The same software (1.2.8 AND 1.2.11) (and hardware) is doing well on a P60
with a cheap 586SP4 motherboard.

Any ideas?
Gerhard Schneider

Gerhard Schneider                               e-Mail: gs@ilfb03.tuwien.ac.at 
Institute of Light Weight Structures (E317)     Tel.:   +43 1 58801 3711     
Technical University of Vienna / Austria        Fax:    +43 1 505 44 68
A-1040 Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27-29              http://ilfb03.tuwien.ac.at/~gs/