Re: ps2 aux mouse / TI Travelmate mouse problem

Goncal Badenes (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 09:42:51 +0100 (MET)

> Using linux kernel v1.3.31, with the ps2 mouse and ti travelmate mouse
> options turned on in compile, gpm won't recognize my mouse.
> /dev/mouse is a symlink to /dev/ps2aux which is a char device 10, 1
> which is cat'able, but moving the mouse or clicking the buttons gives
> nothing. I'm wondering if the device has moved since v1.1.23 (laugh,
> yes, that was the last kernel I was running...) and since 10, 1,
> /dev/ps2aux and selection worked fine, v.1.3.31, ps2aux, and gpm don't
> work.

We have had exactly the same problem here (and reported it several
times). The mouse is working up to version 1.1.87, but some serial
driver changes in 1.1.88 broke the C&T chip autodetection. The quick and
dirty fix back then was to bypass autodection (i.e. bypass calling
probe_qp) and force installation.

But things became recently even worse, and since 1.3.26 even that fails
to work. Therefore, I'm running 1.3.25...



Goncal Badenes, PhD                     Tel: +32 16 281517
IMEC                                    Fax: +32 16 281214
Advanced Semiconductor Processing
0.25um CMOS Process Integration
Kapeldreef 75                           e-mail:
B-3001 Leuven (Belgium)			Public PGP key available on request