RE: Linux-1.3.89 / CD-Rom bug

Gordon Chaffee (
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 02:16:07 -0700

"Chel van Gennip," <> wrote:

>I did, but I still see the strange CD-rom error:
>Test with SCSI CD-rom gives an error with gzip (tar xz ), no error if the
>file is loaded in the cache in advance with cat. Maybe related with block-
>size on read?. Tests on a IDE/ATAPI CD-rom give no errors (also different

>===========First the error situation========================
>gennip:/tmp# umount /cdrom
>gennip:/tmp# mount -r -tiso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom
>gennip:/tmp# tar xzf /cdrom/L*/S*/source/n/tcpip/N*5.tar*z
>tar: Skipping to next file header...
>gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error
>tar: archive /cdrom/Linux/Slackware/source/n/tcpip/NetKit-B-0.05.tar.gz EOF
> not on block boundary

I've seen this same problem on an IDE/ATAPI CDROM. The drive is
made by Hitachi, but I don't have machine in front of me so I don't know
the model number. The motherboard is an Intel Atlantis with a P133.
The problem occurs with both 1.2.13 and 1.3.87 kernels. I haven't yet
tried 1.3.89.

The CD works find on another machine with a different drive, so I know
the CD wasn't the problem.

Gordon Chaffee