Re: Swap Files

Ion Badulescu (
Sat, 18 Jan 1997 16:24:18 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Andrew E. Mileski wrote:

> Yea! You are finally on the same wavelength as me, hence my reason
> for starting this thread on linux-kernel :-)

Okay, why didn't you say so from the very beginning? :-)

> How about changing sys_swapoff() too? Perhaps adding a flags parameter
> like sys_swapon() already has?

No, I don't think that would be necessary. It can be done safely in

The only reason I can think of for not changing swapoff -a is consistency:
since swapon -a turns on all swap devices/files in /etc/fstab, swapoff
should do the opposite. On the other hand, umount -a is already
inconsistent with mount -a (reading from mtab, as opposed to fstab), so..

Right now I'm working on the swapon/swapoff program from the mount
package to make it use /proc/swapareas.

> Note: I am prepared to make these changes myself.

Don't bother, I already have them in my running kernel. :-)

moisil:~# cat /proc/swapareas
Filename Type Size
/swapfile file 4092
/dev/hda1 partition 34236

It works fine for me. I'll make the changes available as soon as I'm done
with the userspace swapoff.


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            than to open it and remove all doubt.