InfoWorld web server shootout

Michael Brennen (
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 16:39:44 -0500 (CDT)

I've cut out most of the article below; the full text is online at the URL
listed. Infoworld did a Web server comparison, and to my surprise the
Apache / Linux configuration did not do well at all. Considering what it
was up against in the Netscape and M$ configurations, something must have
been seriously wrong with the Apache / Linux test rig. BTW I don't know
how a Linux Hardware Solutions 2000P platform is built.

Infoworld is widely enough read that the article will be negative to
corporate management. Since David Miller posted some Web benchmarks after
reworking the networking code (which I don't remember in detail) and got
strong results, I thought I would post this for comment from others that
might have insight into the poor performance shown.

-- Michael

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Web platform solutions


Big Blue déjà vu

Web servers are now strong enough to be the core of your
enterprise. But whether they're used for an intranet or a
commercial site, hearty administration tools are key for
managing your platforms.


Apache solution
Apache 1.1.3
Red Hat Linux 4.2
Linux Hardware Solutions 2000P

IBM solution
Internet Connection Secure Server 4.2
AIX 4.2
IBM RS/6000 Internet Power Solutions F50
Netscape LiveWire 1.1

Microsoft solution
Internet Information Server 3.0
Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 2
Active Server Pages 1.0
FrontPage 97 2.0
Index Server 1.1
Seagate Crystal Reports for IIS 4.5
HP NetServer LX Pro 6/200 SMP
Microsoft Resource Kit for Windows NT Server 4.0

Netscape solution
Enterprise Server 3.0
Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 2
Compaq ProLiant 5000


Getting the goods

We used virtual test clients to send HTTP requests for URLs
and images to the Web servers. All of the servers didn't
generate the same number of requests per minute, but the
error rate increased for most servers as clients were
added. Only ICSS stayed strong.

Number of virtual
test clients 240 960 1,440 1,920

Apache solution

Total attempted Stopped
requests 2,342 2,534 2,740 serving

Total good gets 2,311 1,857 1,645 [Image]

Error rate 1.32% 26.72% 39.96% [Image]

IBM solution

Total attempted
requests 3,796 14,964 22,345 29,674

Total good gets 3,796 14,964 22,345 29,674

Error rate 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Microsoft solution

Total attempted
requests 3,888 15,419 23,095 19,043

Total good gets 3,888 15,352 22,963 17,390

Error rate 0.00% 0.43% 0.57% 8.68%

Netscape solution

Total attempted
requests 3,295 11,332 19,212 26,967

Total good gets 3,295 10,481 10,429 9,523

Error rate 0.00% 7.51% 45.72% 64.69%

Lotus Notes

Total attempted
requests 3,779 14,953 N/A(*) 30,584

Total good gets 3,779 10,150 N/A(*) 9,850

Error rate 0.00% 32.12% N/A(*) 67.79%

(*) Due to time constraints, no number was available for
Lotus Notes at 1,440 clients.