Re: ISC DHCP/ linux kernel patch

Christoph Lameter (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 12:05:07 -0700

SOBINDTODEVICE is in 2.0.31pre2 but not in the 2.1.X tree.

The kernel situation is really irrating right now.

1. 2.1.X does not have all the features of 2.0.X

2. 2.1.43pre3 seem to be more stable than 2.0.30

Could we please:

1. Make 2.0.X stable. Having 2.0.30 out there for months
is really good advertising for linux. Fix things and be done with 2.0.X.

2. Have ALL new features in 2.1.X

In article <u4ta3wc10.fsf@donal.kintailrd> you wrote:

: Is there any plan to integrate the ISC DHCP linux kernel
: patch to support multicast on multiple interfaces ?

: What would be the issues ?

: --
: ...BRU

: Bruce Cook, Synonet Corp.
: E-Mail:
: Phone: +061 15 999 330

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