Re: CONFIG_SMP patch updated for 2.1.61

Fare Rideau (
Wed, 5 Nov 1997 10:55:16 +0100 (MET)

>: Linus
> Note that the principal reason why CONFIG_SMP isn't an option is that it
> affects too much. It means that if you re-make the config file,
> _everything_ gets recompiled. It _used_ to be a config option, but I
> removed it because of this problem.
> The only way I would like a CONFIG_SMP would be if the config process
> itself was made smarter, and did:
> - separate config files (according to some simple rule).
What about the following solution:
change mkdep to NOT include linux/config.h in dependencies, but instead,
add "dummy" *individual* dependencies on dummy null files
config/CONFIG_SMP &co, which get touched by "make *config" scripts
when the corresponding flag was changed.
This way, we get optimal behavior wrt config flag dependencies,
and relieve developer from having to trace config file inclusion manually.
Does it sound good?

> - better CONFIG_XXX sanity checking that knew about the rules.
I guess such transition is doable with a perl script.
However, my above solution seems to make it unnecessary.
Just include linux/config.h; mkdep will compute fine-grained
dependencies, not gcc -MM.

== Faré -=- (FR) François-René Rideau -=- (VN) Уng-Vû Bân -=- ==
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