Zombie request-route with 2.0.31`

Bas Mevissen (sgm@stack.nl)
Wed, 5 Nov 1997 11:23:58 +0100 (MET)

Hi all,

Now and then, my request-route program becomes a zombie. It is the only
program behaving this was. My system is 2.1-ready, so everything on my box
is upgraded to the versions required according to Documentation/Changes.

I would like to ask if someone else is seeing this behaveour. And, what I
can do to find out what is causing this trouble. I use libc-5.4.38, maybe
that is the problem.

I use pre-compiled rpm packages, could recompiling help in this case?
My system is an 486 133MHz, 32Mb RAM, RedHat 4.2 and kernel 2.0.31.
If you need more info, please mail me.

Best regards,


E-mail: sgm@stack.nl, S.G.A.H.Mevissen@stud.tue.nl
PGP: Finger sgm@toad.stack.nl for PGP public key, KeyID 3B896721
WWW: www.stack.nl/~sgm (PGP public key here too)