Re: [patch] x86, small syscall entry speedup, 2.1.90

Benjamin Saller Bender (
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 15:08:23 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> > Has anyone looked into modifying gcc to use NASM as a back end like
> > has been done with lcc. NASM points more in the direction of sanity.
> I wasnt aware NASM did sparc, mips, arm or 68k

It doesn't, but we were talking about IA32 asm, which is IMHO the
most deserving of a little simplification. Since the asm is specific to a
single arch any way it doesn't matter if its slightly different. Its just
not going to be portable, so use the best tool for each arch that you can.

True, improving gas would be better, but for working with asm NASM
was designed to show errors to a coder, not talk to a compiler.

Benjamin Saller Bender <>
AppliedTheory Communications Software Engineering Group

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