Re: kernel thread support - LWP's

Benjamin LaHaise (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 15:04:23 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Nate Tuck wrote:

> In cases where developer time (or time to market) is at a premium and the
> problems at hand require some kind of modular parallelism. I have a
> program on my desk that can run >20 active threads on a one CPU machine.
> Given the problem(s) we had to solve with it, threads saved us many
> man-months of development effort and were the right answer. I can imagine
> that other developers have the same sorts of quandaries (or would if they
> understood how threads could help them).

I'll agree with you on the cost side of things, but are you certain that
the model used for the application is correct? That is what I'm
questioning, not the fact that your app can trigger >20 active threads.
An event driven system can be worked on by just as many programmers as a
threads based systems.


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