On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Thomas S. Iversen wrote:
> - All flashers I have used, has required the user not to run in
> protected mode. Is there any reasons for this. Or put in another
> way: Is it possible to flash the bios from an protected mode
> environment (eg. linux)?
yes it is. Go to the openbios web page and follow the link to devbios.
The reason for dos-mode flashers is quite ugly, I can get into it if
anyone cares. But it's gross.
funny but true: support guy at intel tells me they now have to ship disks
that unpack a dos-image to a floppy, not just unpacks files to a bootable
dos floppy, since so few people can format a floppy that boots dos
anymore. They're running NT or something else.
> - Uniflash gives the user the possibility of backing up the CMOS
> ram before flashing, and then restoring it afterwards. Seeing various
> sourcefiles in linux tells me that it would be a problem (due to time.c
> writting to CMOS every 11. minute). Is there any way to get around
> this?
Are you talking about BIOS flash memory or CMOS ram? CMOS ram is easy.
Flash is easy on many boxes. Flash is very hard on certain motherboards
(L440GX+ :-) because Intel is hiding something. They told me so in person
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