There are incompatibilities between what MS does with DHCP and ICMP and
how linux responds to it. (the address and problems seem
that spawned this thread) One example was the ICMP routing problems
discussed earlier in this thread. Another was the broadcast storm I saw
as a result of Linux sending ICMP and DHCP requests to an NT DNS
server. I've also seen NT blue screen with SP3 and earlier when used as
a router with Linux systems on the same network.
It's clear that NT bends many rules with their TCPIP software. Linux
should not crash networks or servers when these problems occur, but
should try to be compatible with NT "within reason" (this should be
interpreted narrowly). MS is posting DDNS for the active directory
which I anticipate will really bust a lot of stuff in Linux, and I can
guarantee that few folks have attempted to assess the pain level for
customers who are trying to integrate the two -- just a prelude of
what's too come. That's all I'm saying.
BTW. We are more than happy to volunteer to be the guinea pig for
testing these types of problems.
Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 12:15:20PM -0700, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> > I think that perhaps we need to work around these MS TCPIP
> > compatibility issues.
> What issues? I fail to see where the problem lies.
> -cw
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