On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> I think that perhaps we need to work around these MS TCPIP compatibility
> issues. We can all act like Tarzan and pound our chests, and "passively
> resist" doing what's right for the customers -- if Linux does not play
> well with NT Servers, we should fix it so it does. The arguments about
> forcing an MS/Linux standoff within customer accounts who have to deal
> with these problems with interoperability will slow the adoption of
> Linux in the enterprise. Like it or not, it's a Microsoft world in most
> enterprise accounts at present, and whatever we can do to make IS/IT
> people's lives easier we should, including analyzing what NT does and
> figure out how to make them work together better.
I agree totally. I think that MS is just trying to force Linux out of the
market using it's trusty old methods. Having just read the Halloween
documents, I think that that is what they will do. But, soon the courts
split MS up, so they have to share all the protocol info. Like it or not,
currently MS rules and is just going to continue creating more complexed
protocols to try to kill Linux and then, if that doesn't work, I believe
we will see MS linux <shudder> :-((
Mark Zealey
The future's bright, the future's LINUX
Version: 3.1
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