On 1 Mar, Andy Henroid wrote:
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: started
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: FACP @ 0x07ff8028
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: DSDT @ 0x07ff80a0
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: S0 SLP_TYP (0x0505)
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: S1 not supported
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: S2 not supported
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: S3 SLP_TYP (0x0101)
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: S4 SLP_TYP (0x0000)
Mar 2 00:39:59 schleppi acpid: S5 SLP_TYP (0x0000)
> You can verify that C-states work by running acpid
> and looking for "ACPI Cx works" in the kernel log.
Umn, ACPI Cx works?
> (Note, this is if your system has ACPI tables,
> otherwise you need to fill in C-state latency
> values for /proc/sys/acpi/p_lvlX_lat. Sorry,
> this should probably go in the documentation
> somewhere)
The values are there...
0x00000166 for p_lvl2_lat
0x000002cc for p_lvl3_lat
> A working S5 is verified by running acpid and
> do "shutdown -h now". Does you system power-off?
> If not, S5 is not supported (check syslog) or
> S5 is broken. (This will not work at all unless
> you have ACPI tables)
Doesn't work, however this could also be a broken init.
> You can verify that ACPI events work by running
> acpid and pressing the power button. Does the
> system start to shutdown?
No, nothing no one of the 2 buttons causes any reation.
Well, pressing them longer will turn off the power....
Back to apm...
--Servus, Daniel
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