Aki M Laukkanen <amlaukka@cc.helsinki.fi> wrote:
> http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/gnome-libs/devel-docs/gdoc/
> This seems to be what you meant. It's a patch to c2man which adds some
> support to javadoc/doc++ style tag based commentation for functions. I got
> the c2man archive from a debian mirror. It seems that it isn't maintained
> anymore by its authors. Another search revealed that Wine project has
> adopted it as their documentation system with their own extensions:
> http://bugs.winehq.com/cvsweb/c2man/
Thanks for digging that up.
I've sent mail to webmaster@gtk.org asking them to put up a page about gdoc.
btw, one of the doc generators you mentioned, doc++, has a new URL;
it's now at http://www.linuxsupportline.com/~doc++/
and is actively maintained; they fixed a bug I reported in under a day.
It would be nice if the old page at imaginator.com became a
redirect to the new page. (Right now the old one still claims to be the doc++
home page, which is misleading.)
- Dan
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