On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Ricky Beam wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Guest section DW wrote:
> >I suspect the following:
> >- eject uses privately constructed SCSI commands to eject your disk
> > so you are doing this entirely behind the back of everybody,
> > the kernel does not know what you did.
> While true, I know of no utilities that will frame a scsi command to eject a
> disk -- it wouldn't work with IDE devices (I said _I_D_E_ not _A_T_A_P_I_)
> or propriatary interfaces. (The only thing I know about is my own creation
> and it does work with SCSI and ATAPI devices.)
I heard you loud and clear, but I am looking into how to parse the
command. Also every ATA/IDE device that is not a true "harddisk" runs
> >- refusing to eject /dev/sdb4 is something eject.c does for you;
> > you might fix eject.c to also refuse /dev/sdb; send the patch
> > to the maintainer.
> Actually, the stock eject uses a standard ioctl() to eject media. The kernel
> maintains a use count and will not eject anything it thinks is still in use.
> --Ricky
> PS: My toy is only in the hands of one person... in fact, specifically
> conjoured up for his screwed up DVD drive.
> -
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Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy
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