Hello All,
I have a question. The BIOS engineers said that the MPS tables will be in
the highest region of the available RAM... greater than 1 GB if so much
memory is available.
Further more, the MPS tables will be in a region reported "unusable" by E820
(Thats mentioned in the E820 spec).
So my question is this...
1) How should we initialize mappings for arbitrary RAM above 1GB so early
on? Should we just set aside a page directory for temporary installation of
translations and provide a clean API to do so? We will need this for ACPI
and PAE too.
2) If kmap is supposed to work, will it work on memory reported unusable by
E820? And if so, it required a page struct parameter... how do I use it to
map a certain physical address?
Best Wishes,
Systems Programmer, Compaq Corporation
(Not speaking for Compaq)
>From: Manfred Spraul <manfreds@colorfullife.com>
>To: Ingo Molnar <mingo@chiara.csoma.elte.hu>
>CC: Lyle Coder <x_coder@hotmail.com>, sct@redhat.com,
>Subject: Re: HIGH MEMORY access
>Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 13:49:09 +0100
>Lyle wrote earlier:
> > Im talking about physical memory. (Actually it will be RAM reported
> > unusable by E820).
>Ingo Molnar wrote:
> > kmap is the way to go, although this is only necessery if the physical
> > address can be bigger than 1GB. Is this the case?
> >
>Now I'm confused: I thought that ioremap() should be used for reserved
>memory, and kmap() for normal memory (e820: ram) with
> Manfred
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