Peter T. Breuer wrote:
> "A month of sundays ago Pavel Machek wrote:"
> > Actually, 40% of my disk capacity is wasted in duplicates. Why? I do
> > cp -a linux linux.backup before major changes. Automagicall ways to
> > get space back would be nice. (I also cp -a package ofic.package, so
> Won't vi do this automatically if you hardlink?
> > that I can diff -ur later... Hardlinks are not enough because I do not
> > want to accidentaly trash ofic.)
> I think that on save, vi should do a mv foo foo.old, cp buff foo.
Emacs does it too by default. But of course I turn on
backup-by-copying-when-linked because when I edit a shell script that
has multiple names, I do want all instances to be updated.
Besides, editors and the only things which modify files in a source
Personally I don't copy kernel source trees because the copy takes ages.
So occasionally I do get confused about which set of files is the
official set, and have to untar apply about 49 kernel patches to
reconstruct it. That's pretty slow too :-)
-- Jamie
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