Ville Herva <> writes:
> On Sat, Mar 04, 2000 at 03:32:32PM +0100, you [] claimed:
> > Ville Herva <> writes:
> >
> > > > From: Pavel Machek <>
> > > > Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 23:40:32 +0100
> > > > Subject: Re: [OT] Microsoft invents symbolic links
> > > >
> > > > Actually, 40% of my disk capacity is wasted in duplicates. Why? I do cp
> > > > -a linux linux.backup before major changes. Automagicall ways to get
> > >
> > > I can't even guess what the ratio is on a small companys (like ours) file
> > > server filled with old source versions and documents copies.
> >
> > ever tryed cvs ?
> Yeah, I keep my source in CVS, but I'm in no position to force every
> secretary around here to stuff her Word Documents into CVS (and, frankly,
> I'm not sure it'd be wise either.) Actually, we've managed to showel most
> of our "production code" into CVS, but there's no point in trying to get
> the five or ten year old stuff (that somebody "might" need) into CVS.
> Besides, I have temporary source trees that are never ment to be properly
> version controlled -- just hacked around and thrown away.
> > yes, and introduce overhead in the kernel because each time you copy /
> Surely there's overhead. But I never said it should be enabled for
> everybody.
M$ created this because their whole filesystem hierachy is a joke,
and cause of this problem, they need to do it in order to save disk space,
just try to count the number of duplicated library under windows and compare
it with the number of duplicated library under linux, and more widely Unix...
On my system, there is *no* duplicated lib...
And i have shell script which inform me if there is...
My personnal thinking is that linux don't need this stuff.
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